Collective Biographies of WomenAn Annotated Bibliography
Alison Booth |
Latour, Thérèse Louis. Princesses, Ladies, and Republicaines of the Terror. London: Kegan Paul; Paris: Figuière; New York: Knopf, 1930. TOC: Marie-AntoinetteâUnhappy Queen; Forgotten and Unknown Women of the Revolution; The Princesse de Lamballe; Charlotte Corday d'Armont; Madame Roland, née Manon Phlipon; Anne-Josèphe Terwagne, Known as Théroigne de Méricourt; The Mystery of the Child in the Temple; Lucille Desmoulins and Gabrille Danton; Two Active "Républicaines": Olympe de Gouges and Claire-Rose Lacombe; Madame Elizabeth, Sister of Louis XVI; The Holocaust of Robespierre: The Red Madd of the 29th of Prairial, Year II; The Devotees of Robespierre: The Cult of the "Mother of God"; Madame Tallien, Princesse de Caraman-Chimay; Madame de Talleyrand, Princess of Benevento; Pauline de Montmorin, Comtesse de Beaumont; Delphine de Sabran, Marquise de Custine; Bibliography. Dedicated to the "dear memory of the best of husbands," who was the dedicatee of the 1924 volume in this set by Latour. Preface by Joseph Barthélemy, professor of political science and law, waxing enthusiastic for the "rare flowers" and "truthful...historical sketches" of the Frenchwoman (xi). Illustrations include portraits of men. No identified translator. Search OCLC WorldCat for this title. Search Google Books for this title. |